

Unlocking Success: Leveraging Social Media to Drive Growth

Date: August 1, 2024

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

This session is designed for financial advisors seeking to elevate their practice through the power of social media. Led by dynamic financial advisor Domenick D’Andrea, hear how he has harnessed the potential of social platforms for firm growth. This event promises a wealth of insights and actionable strategies. Session topics include the significance of social media for advisors, practical tips for initiating a successful social media strategy, and step-by-step guidance on implementation. We will also tackle how to navigate common challenges and roadblocks as well as provide insight into tools advisors can use to optimize social media posting. By the end of the session, participants will emerge equipped with a deeper understanding of social media's role in driving firm growth and a clear roadmap to leverage these platforms effectively for sustained success. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your approach to client and prospect engagement and expand your firm's reach in today's digital landscape.

By the end of the session, attendees will better understand…

  • Why social media matters for advisors, 
  • How to get started with a social media strategy, 
  • Steps to implement their strategy, 
  • Common challenges and roadblocks (and the strategies for overcoming them), and 
  • How to optimize social media posting leveraging tools. 

This webinar is pending approval for one (1) hour of Continuing Education (CE) credit for Fi360, CFP Board, and IWI Designations.

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