Comments to SEC regarding fiduciary harmonization

July 08, 2013

On March 1, 2013, SEC requested "data and other information, in particular quantitative data and economic analysis, relating to the benefits and costs that could result from various alternative approaches regarding the standards of conduct and other obligations of broker-dealers and investment advisers." The data and comments are intended to be used to inform the SEC as they consider a single fiduciary standard of care for the provision of retail investment advice. 

fi360 has submitted comment to the SEC expressing our belief that there should be a uniform standard of conduct for personalized investment advice provided to retail investors, that investors expect a uniform standard, that the adoption of a uniform standard would not reduce the availability of appropriate investment services or investment products to retail investors, and that the fiduciary standard, as it applies to registered investment advisers under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, is the appropriate standard.

Download fi360's comment letter.

You can read more about the data request and all other submitted comments on the SEC website.

Additional commentary on the fi360 Blog