Fi360 launches new website

February 21, 2013

Welcome to the new! Today we have launched a completely redesigned website. The site is designed to be more user-friendly and easier to navigate. We hope that you will take some time to look around and let us know what you think.

One change in particular to be aware of is that the login areas have been relocated. Now, wherever you are on the fi360 website, you will see a “Member Login” button at the top of the page that launches a login function. There is an additional Member Login button on the home page as well. See the illustration below for the location of those buttons:

While you are here, make sure you also check out our brand new Fiduciary Resource Center, the updated fi360 Blog, and information about our 2013 fi360 Conference.

If you have any feedback about the new site or encounter any issues, please let us know by emailing