Fi360 Toolkit is integrated

September 01, 2014

The fi360 Toolkit is currently working on data integrations with some of the most prominent custodians, TPAs, recordkeepers, and CRMs in the industry. Data integrations help advisors save time by allowing users to access client data directly from the fi360 Toolkit. This helps you streamline processes and cut down on user error that comes from manual data entry. 

Our initial relationship was with Schwab Retirement Center. Most recently, we announced our integration with TD Ameritrade Institutional’s Veo®. Integrations from Castle Rock Innovations, Matrix Financial Solutions, and TD Ameritrade Trust Company are coming this fall. Our IPS AdvisorPro product is also integrated with FinaMetrica, MoneyGuidePro, and Redtail Technologies. 

 For a full listing of integrations, visit the integrations page on our website.