Study Confirms Fi360 Fiduciary Score Correlates to Investment Performance

March 21, 2014

The fi360 Fiduciary Score, an integral part of the fi360 Toolkit, was found to correlate to investment performance in a recent study by MacroRisk Analytics. Investments scoring in the top quartitle of the one-year fi360 Fiduciary Score Average "demonstrated higher median returns when looking at one-year, three-year, and five-year future annualized returns." 

The fi360 Fiduciary Score is an extremely beneficial tool that has long been used to objectively compare and monitor investments, determine their overall appropriateness, and clearly communicate this to current and prospective clients. 

Dr. G. Michael Phillips and Dr. James Chong of MacroRisk Analytics will be presenting their results in a special session at fi360’s INSIGHTS 2014 conference on Friday, April 25, 2014 in Nashville. Join us at the conference to learn more!

Sign up for a free, no-obligation 30-day trial to the fi360 Toolkit.

For more information,download a copy of the MacroRisk Analytics Evaluation of the fi360 Fiduciary Score®.

Read the entire press release here.