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The Democrats took the House, and here’s what that means for your retirement

November 08, 2018

The Democrats won the House, the Republicans kept the Senate, and future retirees should be paying close attention to retirement legislation these next few years.
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Will fiduciary wave follow Democrat statehouse victories?

Financial Planning
November 07, 2018

After a strong electoral showing for Democrats, more states could move forward with proposals for tougher regulation of advisors. But any rollout of new fiduciary proposals will more likely be a trickle rather than a torrent.
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Here’s how a Democratic House will affect financial advisers

November 07, 2018

While the new majority is unlikely to block the SEC advice rule, retirement income advocates forecast momentum for annuities legislation
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Democratic Takeover of House Could Spell Trouble for SEC’s Advice Standards

Financial Advisor IQ
November 06, 2018

The SEC’s proposed Regulation Best Interest could face far more scrutiny and hurdles if the Democrats take over the House of Representatives in today’s midterm elections, according to ThinkAdvisor.
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Democratic House Could Vex SEC Rule

November 06, 2018

If Democrats retake the House of Representatives in the midterm election, the SEC’s path to rolling out its Regulation Best Interest could get bumpy.
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If House Flips, SEC Advice Standards Package Likely to Face Scrutiny

November 05, 2018

If the House flips to the Democrats in the midterm election and Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., becomes chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Jay Clayton will likely be in the hot seat over the agency’s advice standards package.
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